Meeting Up with the WI at Avoncroft Open Air Museum!
It was with great pleasure I was able to launch my new flicker book show-reel this week, “I’ve heard that Song Before”. It features photos from my Summer performance at Bletchley Park when I performed my WAAF show “Straighten up and Fly Right” as part of their Concert Series. All the shots were taken by photographer Harry Purdom and last Monday I was working with Peter my web-designer on the video. I’m very proud of the way we were able to get the show-reel finished, uploaded and out on You Tube so quickly. It’s a wonderful memento of the day and I’m very proud of it.

Working on my New Show-reel!
To see my new show-reel please click the link below :-
This week I’ve had shows most days and next week it’s full steam ahead with Halloween which will be rolling straight though into Remembrance. I just found out this week I will be singing at Euston station for the Poppy Appeal on 2nd November. Last year I was at Birmingham New Street Station and London Bridge singing all day from 8am through to 6pm at night. It’s a long haul

Rob and I Enjoying Avoncroft Museum!
but very enjoyable as I perform 20 minutes on 20 minutes off all through the day. Last year in London we raised over a Million pounds for the Poppy Appeal which is incredible so I’m busy planning my music. I’ve been booked to sing songs from WW1 through to the 1970s and beyond. This year I will be including Postmodern as my repertoire continues to grow.
Last Sunday I had a lovely day out at Avoncroft Open Air Museum in Worcestershire. I met up with my friend Robert and we made the most of the beautiful Autumn sunshine. It was the

Meeting Up with the GIs!
museum’s 1940s event and the last time I’d been there must have been over 40 years ago when I visited on a school trip. Much of it still looks very similar to the way I remember it with it’s timber frame buildings and windmill. Although with the Autumnal drop in the temperature we were both very pleased to see the tea rooms open which they weren’t when I last visited all those years ago.
We both enjoyed the event very much as we chatted to the re-enactors and watched the entertainment. I particularly enjoyed meeting up

Gentlemen Dressed in their Best!
with the WI ladies who had a wonderful stall of off ration home made cakes and the American GI display. They had the best spot which was right in the sunshine.
With Halloween starting for me on the 23rd it’s scary to think Christmas is just around the corner. In a week or two’s time we are having our window replaced. It’s a job which is long overdue and I know it will be worth it when it’s all done but I’m not looking forward to the cold and being in a house without windows no matter how quickly they fit them. We’ve also made a start on some

Dressed in Our 1940s Fashions!
home improvements. Last week we striped our downstairs loby. Less said about what was revealed behind the back of the loo the better but put it this way this refurbishment hasn’t come a moment too soon and it will be amazing when it’s all done!
I shall leave you with a few of my favorite photos from the week.
Keep Following Toodle Pip and Bye for Now! 😉

Meeting Up with the 1940s Reenactors!