The wonderful thing about my job is I can get a call from out of the blue and before I know it I’m off on the road again and belive it or not that is exactly what happened to me yesterday. I was all set to do a 2pm “We’ll Meet Again” uniform show in Aylesbury when I got a call at 1pm to go down to Hayling Island as their singer had been taken ill and couldn’t go on as Vera Lynn. No problem I said – so I did my 2pm show – through a change of clothes in a bag and drove down To Hayling in ATS uniform.
I was booked to sing at Mill Rythe Holiday Village a place I’ve played many times before. Last year I did alot of “We’ll Meet Again” shows for them as a fill in while their in house entertainments team put their own 1940s Vera Lynn Story show together. However the thing about live entertainment is people do fall ill from time to time and it was just luck I was able to step in. Ofcourse I don’t exspect to hear from them again but the gypsy in me just loves to rome and I enjoy going where I please at the drop of a hat. Not everyone will be able to understand that but to be an entertainer you have to be a free spirit and given the freedom to fly and boy do I love to fly!
Needless to say my show went down really well and it was great to see the Mill Rythe entertainments team and band again. A few new faces and thank-you Bill for doing such a wonderful job on sound. I have a great fondness for holiday centres as I was once a red coat. Some of my first professional engagements involed working the Butins and Pontins circite before moving into Theatre and the world of re-anactment. I always like to stay over and I even made it back for my 1pm lunch appointment with my actress friend Betty Page so a busy week all in all.
This weekend I’m back at my desk. I have to crack on with paper work as I have lots of new contracts to do and e-mails to answer so maybe tonight I might give myself a night off and watch a film. How rare is that.
Thank-you for following and Toodle Pip for Now!