Me at Warwick Castle! |
The thing I love best about my job is I get to go everywhere and this weekend I was singing in Warwick for a Birthday Party. As my Saturday job fell through I decided to stay on an extra night and see some of the sights. So I went and visited the castle.
If you have never been – there is something a little Disney about the whole thing with wax works in every room and lots of characters wondering about from black death victims to dashing 18th century soldiers and robbers! Great fun! Dare I say just right for the Americans – who will go away thinking Warwick Castle was money well spent with enough entertainment factor!
I had a great time and enjoyed the swash buckling show on the battlements between our hero and villain but then I am very theatrical and I quite fancy one of those 18th century coats myself. They have such a lovely swish to the skirt which our hero used to full advantage. If I had been playing that roll I would have done the same – swish swish! I do love 18th century fashion!
Meeting the Wax Works! |
There is much to see at the castle with wax works which tell the story of the King Maker and the War of the Roses to Edwardian house parties and mistresses of the King. I even went on the Haunted walk and ended up at the Skeleton Arms Hotel. To be honest it reminded me of a hotel I stayed at in London last year so no surprises there! I got a lollipop never-the -less but then that’s showbiz I could write a book about my life on the stage and some of the deadly hotels I’ve stayed at. It would make fascinating reading!
The Skeleton Arms! |
It’s so important to take opportunities as and when they come your way and sometimes I stubble upon things quite by chance like Wylies Tea rooms in The Old Iron Yard. I mentioned I was heading off to Warwick Castle and the waitress told me about Kenilworth Castle so I made a point of visiting today on my way home. Kenilworth must be the inspiration for that Marie Loyd number “A Bit of a Ruin that Cromwell Knocked about a Bit”. Sadly all that remains in tact now is the gate house which was wonderful to see and the stable block which now makes up the English Heritage Tea Room. No waxworks or dancing skeletons here and why should there be just heaps of history as it should be told! I expect in the Summer when the garden is in full bloom it’s really beautiful.
Tomorrow I’m in the recording studio bright and early as I want to record a couple of songs for my web-site and put some World War One music into production for next year. My WW1 bookings are starting to pick up so next year is going to be an interesting year with all the anniversaries taking place.
That’s all my news for now keep watching and thank-you for following.
Toodle Pip and Bye for Now!
PS Do check out my photos on my Facebook fan page. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fiona-Harrison-A-Voice-in-a-Million/143965822288531