Just a quick blog to wish you all a very happy Jubilee and to keep our fingers crossed that the good weather stays for this weekend. As many of you know I have a very busy run now and towmorrow I shall be in Wantage Oxfordshire before heading off to Mapledurham House a Stately Home in Reading with my Jubilee Show – songs from the 40s and 50s – ATS and Glamour. That evening I will be in Princess Risbough with my Wrens and Swinging 50s and 60s show and then down to Staplehurst for Sunday 3rd. I’m booked to sing for the Picnic in the Park Yanks and Limey’s event taking place in Surrenden Playing field. I shall be on stage at 2.30pm – 3.15pm being all American and then back on with my ATS Show at 4.15pm -5.15pm being all English! I shall also be on stage at 8.45pm finnishing off the event with British Themes and with a Big Patriotic Finale so needless to say I will be wearing my Red White and Blue Jubilee dress for that set which I’m sure you will agree is a must!
Monday I will be in Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire performing the music of the 1950s and 60s for their Jubilee lunch and then over to France on the 5th June for D-Day. I shall be performing outside the Place du 6 Juin 14117 Arromanches on the 6th so I hope you will be able to make it along. My first show is ATS and taking place at 4pm for the Veterans then a Glamour 1940s show at 10pm – 11.30pm – so I had better pratice my French songs in prep as I can’t belive June is upon us so soon! Phew!
Well that’s about it for now and as you can see it may be a while before I will get the chance to blog again. In the mean time I hope you like my Edwardian Swim suite photo. I shall put a few more up on my face book pages as I’m always getting asked for swim suite shots so here I am in mine! If it’s not quite what you had in mind – well that’s just tough! But then I’ve never much liked being like the others!
Toodle pip for now and thanks everso for dropping in! ;->
Oh before I go I must tell you this. Today I was doing my Pearly Queen show and I over heared 2 ladies talking one saying
” I wonder what part of London she’s from?” The other replied “I think the Posh part!”
I did laugh! Bye for Now! ;->