It’s just a quick blog tonight as I dash between shows and keep you up to date with my world. Firstly thank-you every-one for your kind comments on my new Christmas Video “Silent Night”. I’m so pleased you have been enjoying it but then Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas with-out “Silent Night” and I do enjoy singing it very much. Last night I was entertaining a Ladies Club in Watford and that carol went down really well along with my Ave Maria. I had hoped to attach the video to my last blog but as you must of guessed I wasn’t able to do it being technically backward. However I was able to do Facebook and it looks like most of you were able to find it there on my page. So thank-you every-one for clicking on and watching!

With the Christmas season I’ve brought out my green dress which I must confess is one of my favourites along with my matching 1940s shoes. I adore these shoes but the down side is I can’t walk in them which is only a miner detail so I make a point of putting them on just before I step before the Mike. Only women will understand that but as you can see by the photo they are really too big for me. I’m a 4 where these are more a 5 and my foot doesn’t quite fill the sling back – but never mind I do love them and as I spent far too much money on them in the first place I have to make them work!
Tomorrow I’ve two shows back to back and I’m really getting into the swing of my Christmas shows now as I cover a broad array of Christmas music so lots of mixing involved when it comes to sound. Everything from Rocking Around the Christmas Tree to Ave Maria!
Well must dash, Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!