Tonight I’m all set for the 4th July with a run of “Stars and Stripes” shows which will be keeping me busy for the next couple of days. In fact I had my first one today and what a warm day it’s been too. So warm in fact I had to remove my stockings and go on stage with bare legs – something I never do! Tomorrow I’ve been booked to do two US WAC shows back to back and to be honest I’m not looking forward to it if this heat continues. The American uniforms are so thick and at least my “Stars and Stripe” costumes do give me cooler options but as I’ve been booked to do WAC I feel I must deliver even if I may be like a boil in the bag piece of fish come the end!
On Saturday I have a private party and then on Sunday I shall be singing at the Brackley Music Festival for their “Lazy Sunday Afternoon”. I’ve been asked to close Sundays show with my “Stars and Stripes” show but with the centenary to include some WW1 songs so “Alexandra’s Rag Time Band” couldn’t be more perfect. I shall also be including my WW1 sing-along medley, “I’ll Make a Man of You” and “Yankee Doodle Dandy”. The afternoon begins at 2pm with Ian Murry who brings a contemporary collection of pop and rock on guitar and sax, Craig Papworth an energetic style and irreverent sense of humour who will give a new lease of life to well-known songs, Jodi Mc Carthy is known for her a rich voice and fine guitar playing, Monty’s travelling Music Show and not forgetting me of course! I shall be on stage at 5pm through to 6pm. Tickets cost £6.00 but for 5 – 15 years only £3.00. The Brackley Music festival has been running since Thursday at different venues in the town. Sundays show will be taking place at Brackley Football Club, Churchill Way NN13 7EJ so I hope you can all make it along as it looks like a great line up. If you would like tickets please ring R P Lovatt Insurance on Tel 01280 703476
Once again I have a very busy couple of days next week with Aldershot on Saturday and I shall be hosting and singing at The Mayor’s Newham Show in Central Park, Eastham on Sunday – but more of that next week.
Time for bed now I think so thankyou for following and Toodle Pip! 😉

Me in my “Stars and Stripes” costume!