Paul And I All Set To Go On Stage with Paul Murry!
Hello every-one it’s good to catch up with you all after remembrance weekend. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to post earlier before I set off to Yorkshire but I’ve been working hard with Rachel on my new Vintage magazine and I’m thrilled to say we plan to launch next week. So keep watching and I’m looking

Collecting For The RBL Joe and I in Pitstone!

Brian, Me, Paul Murry, Viv and Paul Marsden!

Brian and Paul!

Viv and I at Montgomery Hall!
forward very much to sharing it with you.
This week has been all about remembrance and I was delighted to make it along to see my friend Joe Marling on Thursday otherwise known as the Poppy Man of Pitstone to purchase my poppies. Perhaps not surprisingly I have a couple of “We’ll Meet Again” shows still to do with the run up to the 11th and before heading off to Normandy. I’ve been booked to sing for Ste Marie du Mont’s 1940s Christmas Party at the end of this month and I’m looking forward to wearing my new 40s gown very much. Judi has been busy making it for me and I know it will look stunning when done. More importantly it will look like an original dress from the period thanks to the company www.tilthesungoesdown.com who specialise in divine dressmaking fabrics and who take their inspiration from original textiles. I bought the fabric at Goodwood and there is nothing more exciting than when a plan comes together.
Last Saturday Paul joined me on stage at Montgomery Hall at Wath -Upon-Dearne in Yorkshire for a special 1940s evening. I’d booked for us to stay over night in Rotherham at the Welcome Inn as it would have been too far for us to have driven back afterwards. Although saying that I did get an enquiry to go out to Belgium for remembrance Sunday. Had I have taken the booking it would have meant Paul and I driving all through the night and in the end we just felt it would have been too tight. Had we have done so it wouldn’t have allowed for any problems or delays through the channel tunnel so in the end we had to turn the booking down which was a real shame. Come Saturday night or should I say Sunday morning we were very pleased to return to our hotel only to find the chip had gone in the door lock. Oh no! I thought at one point the night porter and Paul were going to have to break down the door on my behalf due to the fact my night-time insulin was in the room. As it turned out the night watchman was able to over ride the system. Phew!
It was great to be back in Yorkshire again as it’s my home county. I was born in Doncaster and I really enjoyed Saturday nights show at Montgomery Hall which is a charming little theatre. It was my first time at the Hall and a big thankyou goes out to Paul Murry who invited us to sing and to all the Hall staff who made us so very welcome. We had a full show of entertainment including Air bourne Angle and Dr Dave Parkin on Keyboards with female vocalist Freda. Paul and I were thrilled to see our friends Brian and Viv who had come up especially from Mansfield to see us. Thank-you so

Don’t Forget Your Poppy!
much for coming to see us Brian and Viv. We were so pleased you had a great time and we enjoyed our dance afterwards. I had been engaged to perform 2 x 45 minute sets and I finished my show with Land of Hope and Glory and lots of flag waving which always goes down well.
Now I’m back home I’ve lot’s of loose ends to tie before the Christmas season which starts on the 1st and then takes me right through to new year. In the mean time I’ve been working out with my trainer Elliot and I was back in the Gym this morning, and back again tomorrow. Exercise is the only thing that works and it’s good to see my figure take shape.
That’s all my news for now. Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!