Out-fit of the Week!
Looking back over 2014 it’s been an amazing year when I think just how many places I have played and the verity of shows I’ve done, so I’m looking forward very much to 2015. It’s always very daunting when you pin-up your new wall planner for the year and you see all the space you have to fill, but dates are selling well and where 2014 was big on the centenary and WW1 I guess 2015 is going to be all about the 70th and VE and VJ Day. It’s important to predict the trends which is why I try very hard to read the mood and make shure I have the right music and shows available within my repertoire. I’ve been working hard on my web-site with Rachel and I’ve lots of ideas I want to put into practise with regards new pages – so watch this space and I shall keep you posted as and when.
Tomorrow and Tuesday I’m back to work with the run up to new year and then I’m in the recording studio Monday evening investing in a few new tracts for 2015. So many backing tracks are now available on-line but I’m very old school and I much prefer to commission my own. It’s like having a suit of clothes made for you and when you come to record an album it’s good to know your arrangements are your own and you have something unique. Although I don’t own the music I put a lot of thought into my arrangements and I’m lucky to have one of the best musical arranges in the business working with me. Richard Whennel and I go back years and I’m very lucky to have him as part of my team. I’m the only one he will do backing tracks for due to his commitments which is hardly surprising when you take into account his skill. For me it’s all about the music which is one of the reasons I moved into the world of re-enactment. So many of the commercially bought tracks have had their keys lowered for band singers which I’m not and in many cases are over played on the 40s scene. Within hearing the first six bars of a backing track will make me decide if it’s worth staying or if I continue to walk on by. There’s so much more to a vintage style act than just being able to sing you need what I call the fabulous four. Good Voice, wonderful Arrangements, superb Patter and excellent Presentation, the magic ingredients!
I’m pleased to say I’m feeling so much better now than I did and I have been enjoying going out jogging every day since Christmas Day which has been doing me the world of good. I’m looking forward to getting back into my exercise resume. I shall be away New Years Eve at the Bell House Hotel in Beaconsfield and then I’m taking a few days off to be back at my desk on Monday 5th Jan with shows starting back up again on the 6th. I’m planning to introduce “Out-fit of the Week” onto my Facebook pages in the new year so I can share my love of vintage fashion with you all. I’m always doing photo shoots and not all the photos I have taken make their way onto my web-site. I’m very picky – so this will be a good way for you to see my dresses and out fits in more detail.
That’s about all my news for now. Have a wonderful New Year and I look forward to catching up with you in 2015
Toodle Pip! 😉