Twenty six shows done so far this month and tomorrow I’m off to Nuneaton with two shows to do and then can we belve it it’s Christmas. Although I’ve been doing Christmas shows all month it doesn’t feel like Christmas some how. I really don’t know where this year has gone to. I’ve already sold over 120 shows for next year and a few events have already booked me for 2014. I was having a count up and I think I will have done 243 shows by the time this year is out so I’m really looking forward to taking a holiday in January.
Next year is going to be a very intresting year as I’m seeing my customer base change slightly as more of you are finding me through my web-site which is good news. I hate to say it but I think the 40s circit is getting somewhat tired and I’m looking forward to developing some new idars where I can be a little more creative musicaly and meet more like minded exciting, talented people. I do love the 40s and the Heritage circut but I don’t want to type cast myself as there is much I can do and I’m looking forward to spreading my wings a little further – so watch this space!
I have lots of plans for my web-site and more pages will be added next year along with some new show reels. I have just seen the previews for my fashion page and we hope to have the page up loaded to the sight by mid day Christmas Eve so do keep watching. I’m very pleased with my design and it’s great to see all the photos in place. All those photo shoots have really paid off!
Once again this weekend has been a really busy one and Saturday night I was at a fancy dress party. I got the call at 4.20pm. I had just got off stage and my friend Mike wondered if I was free. Well I can through a fancy dress together quicker than most being a costume artist and all. The theme was Film and TV so Mike went as Lilly Savage and I as Victor Victoria in my top hat and tails. Such Fun!
Well everyone all that’s left for me to do is to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank-you for following me Toodle Pip and enjoy this wonderful festive season. I hope to make it back in time for Mid Night Mass tomorrow as that really makes Christmas for me. Merry Christmas! xx