Today I did all my paper work this morning and then poped down the gym this afternoon. What is it about men in gyms? Two chaps tring to work out with weights which were clearly too heavy – unable to hold the weight and banging the the equipment about so I told them straight. “That weight is too heavy for you you need to lower it”. Needless to say they left a little embaressed-but really who do they think they are kidding!
This afternoon I picked up my new power amp and I have to say I’m really pleased with it, it’s so light and I got a good trade in on my old one which to be honest I’m really glad to see the back of! I’m splashing out on a new smaller fight case for it which will keep everything compact and light giving me more space for my dresses and hats. As you can see by the photo I like big hats – this is one of my creations with Michel of Shore Patrol taken at Kent and East Sussex railway last year. I shall be there again this year on the 19th and 20th May and Bassingbourn on the 12th and 13th so I hope you will be able to make it. Bassingbourn is a new event billed as a WW2 1940s War-Time Weekend and Musical Extravaganza and the K&ES railway one is a well established event where you can see my Evette the Spivette show for the first time. I also join forces with The Cinque Port Lindy Hoppers film fottage of which you can see by clicking onto my web-site and You Tube channel.
Keep watching :->