Gosh I know it’s late but I’ve just this moment walked through the door after a very busy and productive weekend in East Sussex. Friday I was in Hastings visiting my friend Ann who knits all my 1940s jumpers and yes I treated myself to a beautiful green and brown one with a ribbed bow at the neck – 1939 patern. Needless to say I’ve orded 2 more jumpers and a berret to match as I wear Ann’s jumpers all the time – they’re great!
This weekend I have been singing in Tenterden at the Station for an Edwardian event and what a great event it was too. I had the pleasure of working with “The Queen’s Own” Royal West Kent Regiment Living History Group and what a wonderful group of people they were too. It was the first year this event had run and I hope the railway run it again as it takes time for events to grow and I think this one will! All my shows were very well recived particuly as I sang quite a bit of Opera mixed in with Music Hall -which seemed to go down very well indeed! What I didn’t relise at the time when I designed my dress was that “The Queen’s Own” colours are light and dark blue so I was spot on with my dress. Lots of photos were taken so I hope people have posted up onto my facebook pages so do keep watching as I haven’t had a chance to look yet!
Today I’ve been working with the fantastic photographer Lewis Brockway. Lewis took all my bathing beauty shots and while I was down in Sussex it made sence to try and get some more of my costumes photographed. So today we did Pearly Queen, 20s, 30s and glamour 40s so I’m looking forward to seeing the photos when they come through!
Gosh I’m really tied and I must get to bed as I have a busy week ahead with “Stars and Stripes” shows tomorrow and Wednesday and then I can’t remember after that with-out looking in my diary!
Toodle Pip and bye for now!