It’s been a really busy and interesting day. This morning I was with my web designer Rachel going through my analytics and some of the google questions that come up are extraordinary. One person typed in “Is Fiona Harrison married”? The answer being no I’ve never been married but why anyone would want to know that I don’t know! I’m not even going to go into some of the question asked but needless to say Rachel and I did have a little chuckle!
Today Rachel was able to down load a couple of my videos including my new Web-site Intro which in the next week or so will be inbeded into my home page with a few design tweaks. We also down loaded my new WW1 video “If I Were the Only Girl in the World” but I’m alittle worried about the quality. I spyed a glitch so we may need to down load again so watch this space and I will let you know how we get on. Rachel is so on the ball and was telling me about the new trend of using the # button. So for example if I pick on a subject like 1940s fashion and create a link by using the # you should get up related media so lets give it a go – Oh I’ve just tried and that didn’t work so I will have to get back to you on that one. I’m quite clearly doing something wrong – but then I’m not very modern and often it takes me a bit longer than most to grasp things. I need to have a lesson with Rachel in how to be modern and computer bright!
This afternoon I was performing in Milton Keynes my “Putting on the Riz” show and tomorrow I have two shows back to back so an early start and then two shows Saturday.
With that in mind I had better get to bed. Thanks for following and Toddle Pip!