Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

I Love my Job!

Here we are Easter Monday and back from doing a show in St Albans. Today I was working in a Nursing home and just before I started one old lady told me to “Bugger Off” even before I sang a note. “Bad Luck” I said “I can’t aford to Bugger Off not before I’ve sung and been paid”.Needless to say it wasn’t long before I had her up singing and dancing along with the rest of the room. I love my job – I think I surpised the cares too but then that’s what I’m paid to do. I may not be able to spell or add up but I know how to entertain and it’s moments like these that make it all worth while! People don’t always understand it’s not always about money.
I know I’m not every-ones cup of tea but it makes me happy to please others through my talent. Tonight I shall be working alittle more on my Evette show. Lots of words to learn and I’m having fun playing around with words and patter.
Dress fitting tonight for the Edwardian shoot and I shall be trying my dress on with my dyed shoes. Sadly they have gone a little streeky so a little on the shaby chic side. Nobodies perfect I might need to decorate! Easter Bonnet shows continue next week Do Keep Watching!