This last week has been one of those weeks where I’ve worked extra hard to clear my desk of paper work only I feel I’ve not quite succeeded in my objective. I’ve lots of little jobs I need to tie up only now I’ve run out of ink and stamps after going through 4 books of 12! The annoying thing – after my show I popped into Staples this afternoon and I remembered everything else accept the above!
It’s Valentines Day tomorrow and I’m heading to Yorkshire on Saturday to sing for a private party so I want to get everything ship shape before I go!
To be honest this week has not been uneventful. Poor Connie and I broke down on our way to my show yesterday and I had to call out the AA. I dropped her into the garage with help from the AA and they were able to fix her diagnostic problem. It’s just as well as I had a 2.30pm show today and shows booked in for Valentines Day with a full weekend planned. I’ve a full run of shows next week too so much to do and plan for.
I’ve been working out every day this week and I’m now getting to the point where I need an early night! I may well have been burning the candle at both ends so I think I will leave my blog here tonight.
In the mean time have a wonderful Valentines Day every-one and thank-you for following my news. I’m amazed by just how many of you do. I enjoy sharing my world with you all and this year is filling up nicely so keep watching and I shall tell you about my events as and when.
Toodle Pip and Bye for Now!