Out and About in My Easter Bonnet!
Hello every-one it’s been all go with “Easter Bonnet” shows this week and I’m pleased to announce that I’m now fully booked for the rest of this month and well into May. Next month I start on the first of my new shows “Thank-you for the Music” as I begin to move my repertoire forward into the 1970s. I still have quite a few new Motown numbers to learn which I have been learning while driving off to my Easter Bonnet shows. Motown makes a change form my love of show tunes and I’m looking forward to performing the first “Thank-you for the Music” show on the 26th of this month.
Easter is now in full swing and I’d like to thank- you all for your lovely Easter cards and well wishes. I’m pleased so many of you liked my “Fashion on the Ration” article in the Best of British magazine this month. I’m very proud of it and I took a great deal of pleasure in writing it. I hope it wont be too long before I’am able to add it to my web-site.

All Ready for Easter!
As many of you know I’ve been looking for a new web-designer these last couple of months and after a long search I think I may have found just the right person. It’s early days but I have a meeting with them next week and I’m looking forward to moving my web-site on and perhaps giving my home page something of a new look. We will have to see as I have lots of ideas running around in my head and I need to discuss what is possible when it comes to web-site design.
Speaking about web-sites my new videos should be on their way very soon. Both the Music Hall and Lakme’ show-reels will make welcome additions to my site. I saw the last cut before Easter and their are only a few tiny little tweaks which need to be done before I will be releasing them – So keep watching this space.
Some more good news this week. I’ve been booked to perform in the town of Ste Marie du Mont on Sunday 4th June as part of the D-Day commemorations in Normandy. I shall be posting up my show times in due course although it looks like I will be performing a couple of shows during the day which will give me a little more time to speak to you all in-between sets. I will have more news on that in the next week or so so keep watching.
I shall leave my blog here tonight as I’m tired and need to get to bed. Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!