Tudor House in Warwick |
Hello every-one and a Happy New Year! So sorry I’ve not blogged much this last week but I have been on the road a great deal so I have decided to write my blog in two parts so you can catch up with all my news! Last Friday I was booked to sing in Nuneaton and I had two afternoon shows back to back and a couple of free days there after. For those of you who have been following me you will know I’ve had a very busy December – in fact I have successfully completed 43 shows this month and I feel very proud to have done so. So I decided to have a few days away in Warwick at The Lord Leycester Hotel having played there earlier in the year.
My New Boots! |
I love old buildings and arciture and Warwick is so full of history and so central for Leamington Spa and Stratford-Upon-Avon as I wanted to do a bit of shopping and hit the sales! I’m pleased to say that I found just what I was looking for in Leamington Spa as I needed a new pair of brown boots as I had had my eye on these ones before the sales. I also came across a wonderful fabric shop and bought some beautiful Indian silk for that bustle I’m in desperate need of for my Victorian shows. I’m keen to give some of my costumes a bit of a re-vamp for 2014 and one thing I don’t have is a bustle! I’m very fond of the song “Hands Knees and Bomps a Daisy” so a real must have for when I entertain at The Isle of Wight Steam Railway’s Victorian weekend this coming August. While I was in Stratford – Upon – Avon I visited a couple of the towns Antique centres and I was thrilled to find a tiara and some Victorian glass buttons.
My tiara, silk and Victorian buttons! |
I have a couple of tiaras already but this one was a little different and to my mind looked quite Romanesque. I thought it would look good worn with an empire line ballgown or even with a Victorian gown with my hair worn high with cascading ringlets. I have a jewelled mask that this would work with so if I ever have to appeared at a Masquerade Ball I have everything I need to hand!
While I was out shopping Warwick also came up trumps when it came to buying vintage. After my show on Friday evening I dined in Warwick at an Indian restaurant in Smith Street and I came upon a shop called Encore. Encore is a clothing agency and on Monday I went back and I treated myself to a beautiful 1940s fox fur ,a pair of 1930s gauntlet gloves and to a pair of over the knee black Cavalier thigh boots – something I have been looking for for a long time. It is true what they say – things do come to you in time. These boots are just the ticket and ever-so Puss in Boots – I feel a bit like a Musketeer in them and they are just what I wanted so very pleased to have found them!
Me Outside Shakespeare’s House! |
While I was out and about I also did a bit of sight seeing in Stratford and went to Shakespeare’s house and to The Rooftop Restaurant at the RSC Theatre for tea. They make the most wonderful cinnamon scones and had a wonderful display of costumes. Do check out my facebook page where you can see some of my photos http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fiona-Harrison-A-Voice-in-a-Million/143965822288531
I also had dinner at The Garrick Inn on Sunday night in Stratford and I still have lots more to tell you about London and my New Years Eve show at the Chesterfield Hotel in Mayfair – but more of that tomorrow! I must dash as I have an appointment tonight. I have a new Gershwin concert band part arrangement to pick up from my friend Bill so I mustn’t be late!
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!