I’ve just got in through the door – I had a morning show today and I’ve been out doing manly things this afternoon buying bungy straps for speakers, gaffer tape and trying out power amps. At long last I think I’ve found the one that best suites me a Peavey 1PR 1600 and it’s so wonderfuly light too! Many of the amps one see now are very bassy which I don’t like. What I look for is clarity and this one really works well with my Ev speakers and gives me a lovely sound particuly when I sing Opera. I also liked the sound it gave me when I did Rock and Roll too. I can also get a good trade in on my old one. Job done! Thank-you for recomending the one on e-bay Glynn but I really need one right away and I wanted to be able to try it before I bought it. Its so difficult to know one from the other with-out trying them out with my 4 Ev 300 speakers first but I feel very positive about this amp where many of the others I could hardly lift and belive me thats saying something because I’m quite strong!
Tonight I’m going to be looking at photographs with a photographer friend of mine who is going to be helping me down load from USB to CD so I had better be taking notes. I hope to have some more new photographs for you to look at before long so do keep watching and bye for now! ;->