Dressed for an Out-Door Concert!
It’s business as usual as I’ve been adapting my shows to suit the on going Covid restrictions. This week I’ve performed in all sorts of scenarios including a marque between half open french windows and also in a hair dressing salon. The hair dressing salon was an interesting one as I had a perspex screen across the door -way between me and my audience with my speakers outside in the corridor.
Fortunately I know every nano-second and every beat of my music, but hearing it can be difficult when my speakers are on the other side of perspex. I don’t usually need to use fold back. I was trained as a classical singer so I work off my mic which gives me better periphery sound although when you sing up close and personal or start hitting higher notes it can be harder to pitch as you hear less of the sound around you.
It’s still a bit hit and miss with bookings at the
Getting Ready for Halloween!
moment as one is never too sure until the very last minute if they are going ahead or not. I have a private 1940s “We’ll Meet Again” show to do today for an audience of four and then next week I start on my Halloween shows which naturally roll over into my Fairy Tale “Enchantment”shows. In theory I’m fully booked but as more restrictions come in being it makes working extremely difficult. Most clients are choosing to reschedule to another time which can leave the here and now a little empty.
It’s Witchcraft!
Next weekend I shall be performing my Halloween show on the 31st October as a Driveway Concert which I’m looking forward to very much. I’m also keeping my fingers crossed that my Guy Faulks “Blazeaway Show” will be going ahead too. For the last few weeks I’ve been rehearsing my songs and I’m looking forward to singing my new “Wizard of Oz” medley which I commissioned especially for my Halloween “Fly me to the Moon” show.
It had been my intention to produce a virtual DVD of my Christmas show, but after doing some research into the care home market many have lost their activities budgets and in some cases are now down to a skeletal staff. One company I know has laid off all their activities people so this is not a positive market place to be investing money into at the moment. Saying that I’m always looking at new music and if
I’m Off to See the Wizard!
this lock down continues into 2021 I plan to continue with by Driveway Concerts which have been extremely popular.
I’ve performed 65 to date and I’m now getting bookings for Driveway Christmas Concerts which is going to make the 2020 Christmas season a very interesting one.
That’s all my news for now. Keep Following and Toodle Pip! 😉