On Satge at Aces High! |
It’s been all go this weekend and what a fantastic couple of days it’s been too. If you have been following my blogs you will know I’ve been singing for Aces High Art Gallery in Wendover for their special Dambusters weekend. Doors opened at 11am both days but the public were queing from 7am. Aces High had arranged for a special signing where it was posible to get art work, books and just about anything signed by the surviving veterans of 617 Squadron. I even met up with Curtis bear named after Curtis Pitts who invented the Pit Special. He came along with his owner Lorraine Hitchings to have his paws signed by Johny Johnson and Les Munro. Check out the link as I think Curtis bear has writain a bit of a blog about his visit and it’s a wonderful web-site to view if you like Teddy Bears! www.ginosbears.co.uk
This weekend I had the pleasure of meeting Sqn Ldr Les Munro, Sqn Ldr Johny Johnson, Fg Off Basil Ambrose, Flt Lt Ken Trent, Flt Sgt Charles Avey, and Sqn Ldr Benny Goodman. They had also arranged for Mary Stopes-Roe to be there too. She was the daughter of Sir Barnes Wallis who as a child helped inspire her father to invent the Bouncing Bomb while skipping stones across the water. I excpect like me you can remember that famous scene in the film. So as you can imagine it’s been a fantastic weekend and I’ve met some really intresting bears and people whos company I’ve really enjoyed!
Me with Ann and Ft Ken Trent |
I was booked to sing both days from 10.45am through to 3.30pm 20 mins on and 20mins off but it was one of those jobs where I sort of made it up as I went along. I ended up doing a straight through 2 hour set in the morning and then pritty much straight through in the afternoon after lunch. I was rather enjoying myself and time does seem to fly when you are having fun. I also had the pleaure of making friends with Ann Trent wife of Ken who got everyone singing along and I think we can say a jolly good time was had by all so thumbs up to Aces High! It was so lovely to see so many faces I remembered from last November when I sang for Aces High before. I can see there are some really serous autograph hunters out there. I was also pleased to see my friend Joe who came to the event although it seems strange to see you Joe with-out your Jeep and not in Army Greens! Maybe you need to look into getting some Air Force Blues!
Me with Curtis Bear! |
Dispite being an action packed weekend at Aces High Sunday night I had to make my way over to the recording studio to lay down a few tracks. As some of you may already know I’m going to be filming the end of May my WW1 video, a 1920s video and depending on the weather The Sound of Music too. I’ve been able to secure the venue but as with anything filmed out side you have to have a master track!
To record your voice after such a heavy weekend of singing is never a good idea but this was the only window available. Quite how I did it I don’t know but then I guess this is where my classical training really pays off. All the music I use I have taylor made for me by Richard Whennell of Bracknell. I first started working with Richard back in 1999 and together we have covered it all. From Opera to Rock and Roll from Music Hall to Musical Theater. Richard is the best in the busness and when I find talented people I hold onto them. Perhaps not surpisingly Richard is incredably busy and I’m now the only client he will do backing tracks for. His knowlage of music is incredable. As I have a talent for fashion and putting the right outfit together for the period I’m portraying Richard can do that with musical line ups.
Me recording The Sound of Music! |
When I gave Richard the dots to “If I were the only Boy in the World and you were the only girl” I have to be honest it was one of those songs I wasn’t mad about. However after hearing his arrangement I now love it and it’s a perfect marriage with my voice. He’s used a muted trombone which works beautifuly so look out for the video due to be relised the end of June. I just hope we will be lucky with the weather as you can never tell when you are out side. Fingers crossed I will be able to film “The Sound of Music” too as I love that song!
Well must dash as I have loads of e-mails to answer and next Friday I’m heading out to France so much to organise. Thank-you for following and do Keep Watching Toodle Pip and Bye for Now!