My New Cloch Hat!
It’s been a funny week this week particularly as everything started out so well! On Monday I gave myself a really good work-out at the Gym and I spent the rest of the day working on my new designs for my web-pages only to come down with an awful cold by Tuesday! I try very hard to avoid colds but this one hit me rather hard and I had to spend all of Tuesday in bed. I’m still not quite my self but as I was booked to do a show on Wednesday I put my best foot forward, as the show must go on, and yes I did it! If I’m honest it did knock me a bit for six but the odd thing is the client thought it was the best show I had ever done for them and thought my voice sounded great. It seems when I have a cold my voice sounds deeper and more sexy! I’m still not quite sure how to take that – but then thinking about it mezzo’s always get the sexy roles in Opera and I quite fancy doing a Carmen!
I’m still a little under the weather, but I am a last starting to feel better. I have so much work to do and many phone calls to make before the Christmas season I really can’t afford to roll over and give up. Tomorrow I have another show to do which I must see through and then I’m booked to sing at the New Hall in Waltham St Lawrence on Sunday – so it’s important I get well. Last night I must have been away with the fairies. I went to bed very early after my show and I had a night of weird dreams so goodness knows what was in that leomonsip! Today has been my first day back at my desk as I had appointments to keep and a dress fitting. Next week I shall be in Rochester at the Dickens Festival and I have commissioned a beautiful cape which will go over my Victorian coat and give me extra warmth when performing. It’s so important to have the right clothes for the time of year which don’t only look right but keep you warm too. I was thrilled to find the fabric for the cape when I was in “Waywards” in St Leonards last week. Judi has made a wonderful job of the cape which will look just the ticket. Oh speaking of period clothes I must tell you this – the other day I was able to pick up the perfect cloch hat to go with my 1920s coat after loads of searching. Some of you may have seen the pictures of me wearing the coat when I sang for the Priscilla MacBean Ceremony last week. I was ever-so worried there might have been rain for the ceremony as the hat I wore is made of straw and quite wrong for the season. Fortunately we were lucky and I got away with it, my straw didn’t look out-of-place and now I have been able to find the perfect cloch wool felt in gold. So all is well and I wont be worried if it rains!
Time for bed now I think. Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!