Today I have been rehursing all day and I met up with my new sound engineer Chris which was great. I so need a new power amp – my current one is rubish so I must go shopping for one very soon! It was grate to dust off my big sound system and get it all set up in the spare sitting room. Poor Chris was set up in the dinning room with the double doors open with me singing away in the sitting room, with my mother entertaining her ladies in the small sitting room. It’s just as well my mother has a large house perhaps we had better not go into the three bedrooms set aside for my costumes and wardrobe, yes better not!
Well I surpose I had better get back and carry on with my rehursal for Evette. The show is really starting to come together and I’ve been having alot of fun with the songs add libbing in places. I’ve also been working on my script today singing and working on charactisation in front of a mirror – it’s just like old times being back in drama class!
It may be me but I think the 1940s sceen has been some what lacking in creativaty of late – too much of the same old thing. I know many of you reading my blogs are re-anacters and you must get so board seeing the same old acts doing the same old shows year in and year out. This is why I thought it was time for something new. While I’ve been out and about it’s been intresting chatting to you all and hearing your veiws on events. Curtainly there are quite a few events which have lost there direction where a few years ago were at the top of their game. It can be very frustrating when you aprouch some of these places because often the people in charge run events as a hobby and not from the veiw of the paying public. This year is going to be very intresting as quite a few events have folded but there are others springing up and the future seems to be in the smaller ones not the larger. Do keep watching and lets see how the year pans out I’m back to my rehursal!