About to Begin in Byford Way!
It’s just a very quick blog tonight as I continue to perform my driveway concerts in and around my home town of Leighton Buzzard. I’ve been doing my bit to lift peoples morale during lock-down and after a few colder days it’s great to be out performing again. More businesses are starting to open up which is great as I have a number of dresses I’m keen to get into the dry cleaners which all need special care.
Many of the shops are still closed in the high street but like every-one I hope it wont be too long before they open again. It’s good that the shops which are open have social distancing rules

Stepping Out with Mr Sandman!
in place which I expect will be with us for many months to come until a vaccine is discovered and becomes available.
If you’ve been following me on Facebook you will know I’ve been having trouble streaming my shows in landscape. It took me a while to figure out the problem and thank-you every-one for your help and suggestions. In the end it turned out to be a fault with my mobile phone which has since gone back to the supplier. I have another one on it’s way and I hope it wont be too long before I’m up and running again. At the moment I am with-out a mobile so if you need to talk to me please use my land line.
Technology has never been my forte although the lock-down has meant I have had to face some of my demons head on. If nothing else once this lock-down is over it will be good to be a little more up to date and know how to stream and make

We’ll Meet Again at Riverside!
videos. A great way of me staying in touch with you all and quicker too, as I wont have to worry about my dodgy spelling!
Today I had the pleasure of performing at Clipstone Park and tomorrow I head off to Fallowfield as I continue to perform my Driveway Concerts around Leighton Buzzzard. It was extremely windy today and I’m looking forward to some brighter warmer days ahead. Clipstone Park is a new estate and open to the elements where tomorrows show in Fallowfield is more sheltered. Yesterday I was in Byford Way and it’s been fascinating learning more about the new estates

Grease is the Word at Clipstone Park!
which have sprung up around Leighton Buzzard, many of which I never even knew existed
I’ve been finding my mix music shows have been going down best for Driveway concerts with Abba and Grease being the favorites. The old Marie Loyd song “Don’t Dilly Dally on the Way” has also been popular and today I included Chuck Berry’s “Johnny Be Goode” which my Clipstone Park audience really enjoyed.
Usually at this time of year Paul and I would be getting ready to sail out to Normandy to perform for the D-Day Commemorations. Due to the pandemic

Memories from Utah Beach, Normandy
everything has been put on hold and I’m pleased to say our Liberation event at Bretteville l’ Orgueilleuse has been rescheduled to 2021. Paul will be launching his new album “Paul Marsden sing Sinatra” on the 1st June and I shall be telling you more about that later in my next blog. In the mean time I’m currently working on a new flicker video with my web designer Karen Hardicker and her husband Peter featuring my photos from our time at Utah Beach and Ste Marie du Mont. These were taken by French photographer Alexis Lahaye a couple of years ago and I thought it would be a great way to remember D-Day and our Normandy trips as Paul and I wont be able to visit in person due to the lock-down.
Thank-you for reading and Keep Following! 😉