Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

Driveway Concerts, Commemorating D-Day & A New Arromanches Video!

On Stage at Atterbury Ave!

This week is already promising to be another exciting time, with D-Day just around the corner and a full week of shows ahead. Today Paul officially launched his debut album “Paul Marsden Sings Sinatra” and thank-you every-one for your wonderful comments and feedback. Last Wednesday Dave Dawes from played seven of Paul’s tracks and if you would like to know more about the songs on the album and order a copy please click the link below. You can also hear Paul sing by watching his videos and show-reels on the same page.

Getting Ready to Sing at Hercules Close!

Today I performed in Harrow which was one of my officially booked shows. I wasn’t sure if the client was still going to go ahead with the lock-down. However with such lovely weather and every-one suitable socially distance the show couldn’t have gone better and was a great success as I sung “We’ll Meet Again”.  Tomorrow I have another Driveway Concert booked for Millers Close  and then I head over to Banbury on Wednesday to perform my “Don’t Sit Under the Apple tree” show.

Last weekend I had a fantastic run of Driveway concerts which started with

Summer Lovin’ in Hercules Close!

a 90th Birthday at Rosebury Court and then I visited Atterbury Ave on Saturday and Hercucles Close on Sunday. All these shows were extremely well attended as people brought their garden chairs and watched me in the sunshine. I’ve really enjoyed performing these driveway concerts which has brought the community together and lifted spirits.

I’m still learning the art of live streaming although there is so much to remember. Earlier this week I forgot to put in the Wi Fi code in and just as you would expect I ran out of data during the show. I’m getting better at it although I have had a few

We’ll Meet Again!

issues with the camera not turning and filming me 90 decease up the wrong way. I’m often having to set everything up in bright sunlight and sometimes I can’t always see the icons. While I was setting up for Sunday’s show the sun went behind a cloud and I could see the screen better. I also had my glasses on which made such a difference and was my best streaming attempt to date.

My only set back was I kept loosing the connection which means when I’m filming over the thresh hold on pavement I can be slightly out of range. I expect many of you

Remembering D-Day with Len and Harry!

have watched my shows live on Facebook and it’s great I’m learning a new skill. As today’s show was a private affair I didn’t film today but I’m planning to do more in time

For the rest of this week I will be out and about in my ATS uniform, so if the temperature drops a little I wont mind too much as long as it doesn’t rain.  For D-Day the 6th June I’ve offered my services to the village of Mentmore. Initially they had booked me for VE Day but with the lock-down it became impossible to go ahead so when I offered the village a Driveway concert for D-Day they jumped at the opportunity.

I’ll Be Seeing You!

Usually Paul and I are performing in Normandy at this time of year although we had planned to go out a week later in 2020 to tie in with Bretteville l’ Orgueilleuse liberation event at Juno. I first started performing at the D-Day commemoration in 2004 and I’ve been performing in Normandy every year since. With the lock down I’ve been going through my photo library and I came across a lovely collection of photos which were taken in 2016 of my “We’ll Meet Again” performance in Arromanches with the veterans. These photos were given to me by photographer Yves-Noel Jacquelin.

I’ve just had them made into a new flicker book video for You Tube to commemorate D-day this year so more people can enjoy them. The video just went up today and you my blog followers will be the first people to see it. I wanted a French song for the sound track and in the end I choose “La Vie en Rose” which I thought was suitably appropriate.

That’s all my news for now. Keep Watching and Toodle Pip! 😉