Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

Catch Up Week

Today I have been working out in the gym building up an appertite as I went out for lunch with my friend Joe as by way of a belated birthday treat. In fact this month I have a fair amount of catching up to do with friends one way and another, so lots of meals out and lots of work outs as I never like to dine out with-out first having done a workout. All this exersising is really starting to pay off as I’m gettting the shape I’ve always wanted – but then you only get out what you put in and the body doesn’t lie. You can’t fake a figure and when you look at peoples bodies you can tell everything about their life styles.
It’s very intresting – I can remember one chap telling me he use to play alot of sport when he was younger but when I saw him in his shorts and how small his carf muscules were I new he was lieing. His muscule tone was all wrong – infact now I come to think about it there wasn’t any! One thing I’ve learn’t about men is that they seem to spend more time telling lies than the truth. Ladies be warned – let your eye be the judge, keep your wits about you and always use your commen sense!
I only have one show this week but 3 dinner dates and inbetween I want to catch up on my paper work. Oh that reminds me I must get started on my acounts as I like to keep thing very up to date but at least I’ve been able to do most of my Chritmas Shopping.
We’ll that’s about it from me today I shall do alittle work on pintrest tonight I think. Thanks for dropping in and do Keep Watching Bye for Now!