Hello every-one sorry I’ve not been able to blog the last couple of days but to be honest I’ve just been so busy performing – getting everything ready for the next 2 weeks and the Jubilee D-Day run. I’ve been chained to my desk all day doing show plans and play lists. I’ve had 14 shows to plan and costumes to organise – lots of washing to sort out and yes this white dress was one of them. I had this dress made back in 1990 when I played Elize Doolittle and the best thing about it is I can just throw it straight into the washing machine and it always comes out as good as new every time. I chose my fabrics very carefuly and it doesn’t even need ironing. Brillant! I’m sure I can get another 20 years out of that costume even though I am now on hat number three! The last two didn’t quite stand up to the wear and tair of the Edwardian buffet cruse I use to do on Lake Windermere – going back years!
This morning I was pleased I was able to grab some time to go jogging as I’ve been working hard on toning up my body. My iner-thighs still need work but I’m getting there and the jogging is really helping. I work-out at least 4-5 times a week mixing the excersise I do with dance, gym and running and I have to say I’m now getting the body I always wanted. But then you only get out what you put in.
Yesturday I did 3 shows and tomorrow I will be heading to my home county of Yorkshire and the Staley home Carlton Towers with the start of my Jubilee run. It may be a while before I can blog again, but I shall do my best between shows and do keep watching! Toodle Pip!