Off to Colchester!
Hello every-one and as you can see I’m back at my desk cracking on with 2020. In fact I’ve been working extremely hard selling shows for 2020 and it’s exciting to see the year taking shape. I confess I feel a little overwrought with it all and I desperately need a change of air. I can’t wait to get away from the office and this weekend Paul and I are heading up to the Stoneleigh Militaria Fair which will be just the ticket.
I have a shopping list and I could do with a few new hats for this season, although trying to find the right 40s shape is getting harder and harder. With the 75th V.E. and V.J. anniversaries there’s

Setting the 1940s Style for 2020!
quite a buzz in the air. Needless to say I’m completely sold out for V.E. Week and it seems like every day I receive another e-mail for someone desperately looking for a singer for the 8th May. I sold my V.E. and V.J. weekends back in July and so much of my year has already been booked and contracted which is very encouraging.
With a new year come new opportunities. This year Paul and I will be singing at The Liberation Ball at Bretteville l’ Orgueilleuse which was

liberated by the Canadians during the D-Day campaign. It falls within the Normandy Juno Beach sector and a new area for us. So far I’ve had the privilege of singing at Utah, Gold and Sword so I’m looking forward to this opportunity very much. We shall also be in Yorkshire singing at Pickering’s War Weekend in October and in July I shall be performing at Bletchley Park as part of their concert season.
Apart from dealing with contracts I have a lot of musical ideas buzzing around in my head and I can’t wait to get back in the recording studio

Stepping Out!
with Richard and to start work on some new musical arrangements. Is there anything more exciting than a new musical arrangement! Music just gets better and better and with the latest sound samples anything is possible. It’s wonderful being able to commission music and having my own orchestral sound. I love going through old sheet music and finding those forgotten little gems I can put into production!
That’s about all my news for now. Usually I like to illustrate my blogs with current photos but as I’ve been in the office all week with the occasional

See You Soon!
visit to the gym I’m afraid I haven’t taken any photos this week. Instead I shall leave you with a few photos from the East Anglian Railway Museum. These shots were taken by photographer Angela Adams who is fantastic to work with. Paul and I will be returning to Colchester to sing for the Museum’s 1940s weekend this July with more news to follow on my events very soon.
Keep Following and Toodle Pip! 😉