Blackbushe Airport!
I confess the last month has been exceptionally busy and I have fallen a little behind with my blog after returning home from Normandy. It was an amazing experience and since returning home from France I have hit the deck running. No sooner did we return and Robert and I were booked to perform at Blackbushe Air Show in Camberley on the 15th June.
Sadly the weather wasn’t quite as kind to us that day as it had been in Normandy. Fortunately neither Rob and I are easily put off by a bit of wind and rain and due to the nature of the work I

On Stage at Blackbushe Air Show!
do I invested in EV speakers a long time ago which are waterproof, essential for out-door shows. Robert and I had the pleasure of working with the Lee Arron Band that day but sadly their speakers weren’t waterproof and they found it a struggle to work with the changing weather conditions.
It’s important to respect the weather and sometimes compromises have to be made. Staking speakers is never a good idea in the wind where Robert and I set our four EV 300’s across the airfield wide which gave a perfect sound balance. We had been booked to perform 3 x 45

On Stage with George, Vera and Demot!
minute vintage sets during the day opening with my 1940s RAF, WAAF Show, followed by a Big Band and Swing set and concluding the day with songs from the 1950s, 60s & 70s. All three sets went extremely well and we hope very much we will have the pleasure of singing at the airport again in the future.
The following weekend Robert and I found ourselves in High Wycombe performing at the Wycombe Arts Centre. I had never been there before and event organiser Dermot Lynch had hired the centre to stage a 1940s night. That

Miss Ava Valley & Jethro at Wycombe Arts Centre!
night we had the pleasure of working along side some terrific acts including George Formby and Vera Lynn played by Martin Selman and Adele Johnson plus Jazz duo Miss Ava Valley with Jethro on guitar. We also had DJ Martin spinning the discs in-between sets and I concluded the evening with the very best in Big Band and Swing and 1940s sing-along favourites.
It was a super night and it was a pleasure to work with some new faces. So thank-you Dermot for staging such a terrific evening and I hope we can all do it again sometime.

Armed Forces Day at the Crown!
Last Saturday it was Armed Forces Day and it was all change as I swapped my US WAC uniform for ATS. I had the pleasure of playing at the Crown in Hazlemere last year as the local communities came together to celebrate Armed Forces Day. The event was being jointly run by the pub to raise money for the Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club. Incase you are not familiar with the AFVBCs, it an organisation which engages in fundraising and charitable activities to support veterans in need. This includes raising funds to assist veterans experiencing financial hardship and they also donate to local veterans’ charities.

On Stage with Si at The Crown!
This time Robert and I had been engaged to perform 2 x 60 minute sets, the first being a 1940s “We’ll Meet Again” ATS show and the second songs from the 1950s, 60s and 70s. We were lucky with the weather and the day was a great success
thanks to publican Si and his lovely wife Carla who worked so hard to make the day enjoyable. For my grand finale I finished with British Themes and got every-one waving flags which was a great end to a fabulous day.
Now we have moved into July I’ve stated to make some changes to my life. I’ve always been very professional and for the last 30 years I’ve not really had a very good work life balance. I need to address some of these issues and start to live life a little instead of always thinking about work. For years I’ve put work first which I can see now has had something of a detrimental effect and I’m keen to change that.

Rob & I Out and About at Bletchley Park!
Sadly I wont be able to blog quite as frequently as I have in the past but you will be able to see me out and about on social media enjoying life. This summer I’m going to be tackling a few of my demons, house hold jobs I’ve been putting off for years. My office and bedroom need a complete over haul not to mention the guest room which I hope in time I will be able to turn into a proper dressing room. I know if I’m able to face up to these jobs and clear out my clutter I will be a better person and far happier inside.

Robert looking Dapper!
This summer you will be able to see Robert and I out and about, not so much as singer – sound engineer but dare I say as visitors – what a treat that will be to have some time off from performing. On the 16th June I was able to spend the morning with Robert at Bletchley Park just prior to dashing off to perform for Fathers Day. Some of you may have seen our photos on Facebook along with our snaps from the National Film and Sci-Fi Museum in Milton Keynes.
We hope to be doing a little more of this sort of thing during the summer along with my many home decorating issues. I shall leave you with a few

Meeting Up with the Muppet Band!
of our favourite photos. Thank-you for following and don’t forget you will be able to keep up with us on Facebook even if I will be taking a break from blogging.
Today is a new day and here’s to a better and brighter future!

Robert & I at Wycombe arts Centre!