Off For The Weekend!
This week I’ve been out and about a fair bit performing the music of the 1940s. On Tuesday I was in Suffolk for a party and last night I was at The Allum Hall in Elstree. Today I’ve been in Amersham and now I’m looking forward to going away down to Bexhill and Hastings for a Birthday weekend. I’ve been working hard between shows all this week not just in the gym but to clear my desk of contracts making sure everything is up to date. However saying that I still have my e-mails to do and dead lines to meet with the magazine. Not long now – I really hope the magazine will be ready by the end of this month and I look forward very much to sharing it with you all so do keep following and I will keep you posted.

On Stage With the Suffolk Ladies!
As ever I’m not quite sure what to pack this weekend but I am looking forward very much to meeting up with Paul so we can celebrate our Birthdays together. Paul’s birthday was on the 7th and mine is this Saturday the 10th. Does one go casual with the flat walking shoes or should one take heels and a pretty frock. Decisions decisions I can’t make up my mind what to wear but I’m sure all will come right and it will be wonderful to enjoy the sea air while shopping in Hastings. I adore the old town so no doubt Paul and I will be hitting the antique and vintage fashion shops. Although Paul has made me promise not to spend quite so long with Anne. The last time I was in Hastings I spent 3 hours in her shop trying on vintage knit wear! I had no idea I had been there that long but then time flies when you are having fun! Put it this way it takes stamina to go shopping with me!
Speaking of which I return Monday evening and I will be back in the gym with my trainer Elliot. I’ve been working out all this week and it’s been good to find new ways of excersising. I’ve shows all next week and then I’m heading off to Surry next weekend to perform at a golf club
That’s all my news for now. Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!