It’s just a very quick blog this morning as I’m between shows. It’s only Sunday and I’ve already done a Music Hall and a 1940s “We’ll Meet Again”. I have a private Birthday Party this afternoon and then shows all next week. Friday was an intresting one – me singing songs like “Honeysuckle and the Bee” and “I do like to be Beside the Seaside” as snow was falling out side the window. So thank-you to every-one at the Heath Way Ladies Club I’m so pleased you enjoyed the show and my opera too.
Next week is going to be mostly 1940s which I don’t mind at all in this weather. Full ATS uniform keeps you warm but I do have a few 40s glamour ones to do too. On Tuesday evening I’m singing at a dinner party at Russell House and depending on the weather they want me out-side in the arber with a cream and brown 1947 car as the back drop. If the weather is like this we will have to be in the drawing room which will be warmer for every-one concerned so we will just have to see.
Tonight I have a rehursal with The South Beds Concert band and Bill is comming along with me tonight who did the concert band arrangement for my Wartime Singalong Medley so it will be fun working as one.
Well I must sign off now as I need to go through my costumes and sort out something glamorous for Tuesday with a few either or options.
Toodle Pip and Keep Watching!