Me with the Beaulieu Belles! |
Do you ever get the feeling there aren’t enough hours in the day to do all the things you need to do? Well I get that feeling constantly and I can’t believe France is only less than 3 weeks away! Crikey so much to do before I go!
These last few weeks haven’t just been about performing shows but I’ve been working really hard on my paper work and sorting out the inlays for the new album – which reminds me I must fill in the form for the licence. There’s so much to producing an album and today I saw Rachel’s designs for the front cover which are coming along splendidly.
Last weekend I was in Northampton and Milton Keynes performing for a Ritz Tea Party and yesterday I was over in Great Baddlow near Chelmsford in Essex singing for The Beaulie Belles WI. It was a group meeting and the Belles had gone with a 1940s theme. Every one had come dressed up and the ladies had decorated the hall beautifully with lots of interesting displays. They even asked me to judge the hat competition which was to design a hat based on an
Working with Richard in the Studio! |
inspiring woman. The winning design I choose was a mortar board which was inspired by the makers teacher. Teachers can be so inspiring and when I think if it hadn’t been for my music teacher Miss Short at Leighton Middle School I probably wouldn’t be a professional singer today.
On Sunday I made a fleeting visit to see Richard in the recording studio as I wanted to tie up a few of those loose ends before my album goes into production. Not long now! I’ve named my CD “Liberty” and I’m really pleased with the balance and mix. So many albums are so heavily produced these days that they loose the human element. This album is very me and something I’m really proud of. So I’m looking forward to launching it in France during my D-Day tour. So if you are out in France over D-Day don’t forget you can catch me in Ste Marie du Mont at 4pm on 7th June. I will be performing out side the Church and this show is open to every-one. My Arromanches show on the 6th June is a private event so not open to the public but don’t forget you can see me on the 7th.
This weekend I shall be performing in Gloucester in the village of Longhope for a Theatre Club so I’m looking forward to that very much.
Time for me to go now. Thank-you for Following and Toodle Pip!