Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary
Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably
unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything
which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become
a regular visitor to my site.
Hello every-one I’m just back from performing at The Queens Hotel in Bournmouth for Saga Holidays. I know the Queens Hotel really well from performing at many a Masonic function back in the late 90s and early 00s. It was great to see pianist Carol Wells and Soprano Lynda again as this was Saga’s second 1940s holiday I had had the pleasure of singing for – so I do hope I have the opportunity of working for Saga again as the people you meet on these holidays are so lovely. On this occasion I had booked my friend and sound engineer Kim to work with me. Only we get more like Hinge and Bracket with every day that goes by. Just in case you are wondering she’s the Hinge and I’m the Bracket and we do hang rather well together! We have the same sense of humour ever-so slightly warped! It’s been a lovely couple of days as we were booked to do two shows one British ATS “We’ll Meet Again” plus my American “Stars and Stripes” Show. I even through in O Mio Babbino Caro – Oh My Beloved Father for all the Joan Hammond fans as Saga Holiday makers just love Puccini. But then what’s not to like – Puccini is wonderful! I also had the lovely surprise of meeting up with some of my old friends from my Am Dram days when I was a member of the Vale Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Tring back in the late 80s and early 90s. We did some good shows and I can remember playing Mable in The Pirates of Penzance, Casilda in The Gondoliers and Gigi – Happy Days! I was also thrilled to see my friend Sandra who very kindly brought me some flowers for my Birthday and Carol very kindly sang Happy Birthday to me which was lovely as it’s usually me who does that sort of thing for others. Tomorrow I’m catching up on paper work as I’ve so much to do and then I have a couple of “Hooray for Hollywood” shows for the weekend. I hope it wont be long now before you get to see my new 1920s and 30s page soon to go up on my web-site so keep watching and I shall keep you posted! Thank-you for following and Toodle Pip
The Ever Efficient Prudie JonesPrudie JonesIn the OfficeMiss JonesA Glimpse of Stocking Spivette Style!That touch of Mink!“What did you say?”Smile for the Camera!Pretty FloralsOn the RadioTa Dah!Stylish Hair!Glamour PussI've Got Something To Say!"He Did What?Hitting the High Note!Evette the SpivetteDress to ImpressAll Ready for the Weekend!Me Looking Glamorous!Fiona as an Avenger!Teachers Pet!So kind of you to call!You Caught My EyeLittle Old Me!I'll Make a NoteHave you met Miss Jones?
Pretty in Pink!Stage Beauty!Sizzle!Have You Met Miss Jones?Summer Lovin'!Que Sera SeraAction!Mr Sandman50s FloralsBurlington BertieLet's Do ItEnchantingHere's Looking at You Kid!Happy and GloriousIn Cabaret