Today I have been singing in Swindon in Wiltshire for the grand opening of a new care home. It was one of those events where they had the local press and the local Mayor and Mayoress to cut the ribbon. For this sort of do I tend to go with the flow rather and did a real mix bag from Music Hall to the 1960s. By the end I was able to get everyone up dancing which is wonderful to see and makes it all worth while.
I really enjoyed the drive over to Swindon today as it took me just under two hours and I spent much of the time singing to myself. I’m currently learning “If you were the only girl in the world” as I hope to have a film made of me singing it the end of May. I’ve also booked my photo shoot for the 31st but I still have so much to do in between times. Gosh where does the time go to. I can’t belive I will be back in France in a few weeks time which reminds me I must pratice my French!
Tomorrow I’m back in uniform with my ATS “We’ll Meet Again” show and then on Thursday I have a “Hooray for Hollywood” show to do in Edgeware so it’s all systems go. Don’t forget you can see me this Saturday in Baldock at The Knights Templar School. Tickets are £10 available on the door and this time you can hear me sing the 1950s and 60s. Paul Casper is on too who does George Fornby and who I’m looking forward to working with again + a local chap called Al so it should be a good night!
Times creeping on and I must get to bed thanks for following Toodle Pip!