Gosh what a busy couple of weeks it’s been and today I’m just trying to get myself straight before I start on my next run of shows. As you know I’ve been singing out in Arromanches for D-Day and what a fantastic couple of days it’s been too. I think the two shows I did this year had to be two of my best particuly as we were able to get so many of the Veterans up on stage for the end. Despite having rain in the middle of my first show it didn’t put anyone off. When it came to my 10 pm glamour show I think we must have had about 2000 people and it was just wonderful to see so many freinds from past years! Every year I look forward to seeing the Veterans who have all become friends in particular Len Cox who has become something of the face of Arramanches and who loves to be up on stage with me singing and dancing. This year it was wonderful to see so many Veterans getting up and joining in with the music and to meet up with Albert Fig again. These moments are very special and I’m so very privaliged to be part of this all important event. It was great to meet up with so many Veterans on the ferry home and I hope you all got home safe and sound!
Sadly I don’t have any photos of my own to show you but do click through to my facebook pages where Jo has very kindly posted up a few so do please take a look. If anyone out there reading this blog has any photos or film footage of my Arromanches shows – in particular of the Veterans on stage I would so love to see it and do please post onto my facebook pages.
Well I must go now and get to bed as I have a show to do towmorrow and I have a 9am apointment to have my nails done so I must get some rest. Thanks for dropping in and do keep watching! Toodle Pip!
PS A big thank-you to my sound engineer Chris Gymer who has been working with me over this very busy period and I’m looking forward to working with you again the end of this month Thanks ever-so! ;->