Hello every-one it’s been a great vintage weekend where I’ve been able to take some time out from singing and enjoyed Hedna night club and garden party. For those of you who don’t know Hednas is run by “Vintage Sweethearts” Harry and Edna in Studio Two at The Stables Theatre, Wavendon hence the name Hednas. It’s all very glamorous and every-one dresses up in their best vintage frocks and suits. This weekend was a little special as Hednas ran another vintage event on the Sunday in Cleo Laine’s garden which was just lovely. They had vintage cars, stalls where I treated myself to the most wonderful orstrage feather boer – I do adour orstrage feathers I like the way they dance and do their own thing a bit like me really! Tea and cakes and fabulous music. “Who could ask for a anything more” to quote the song!
Just as every-one dressed up on Saturday night every-one did on the Sunday too and I met up with some friends from my “Talk of the Town” days John and Sandra. It was so lovely to see you both and Jodie too I hope you enjoyed your afternoon as much as I did – do keep in touch and it’s nice to know you enjoy my blogs! xx
Cleo’s House – I love the windows! |
Saturday night was fun because once again I met up with lots of friends and I came with my friend Julia. I also saw Sandy from “Swingrave” and Brain and Cheie from “Perfect Vintage” who I had the pleasure of working with at Great Central Railway a few weeks ago. Brain will be playing Hednas in September with the “Putting on the Ritz” boys who I will also be working with at Chatham that weekend. It’s Saturday 21st Sept and after their show on Saturday they will be heading up to Hednas for a 9pm start. It’s all very Rock and Roll but I quite fancy joining them as we all have to be back in Chatham for Sunday too – what fun! The Christmas one will be on the 14th Dec and although I have a show earlier that day Hednas is just around the corner and very local to me so it’s easy for me to pop in.

It would appear I’m one of the faces now and it’s wonderful to have a vintage night club right on my door-step. I’m looking forward to lots of great nights at Hednas as it’s a bit of a treat being able to dress up for myself rather than for others so here’s to the next one!
Saturday night we enjoyed “My Favourite Things” a 3 girl dance troupe who sang in close harmony. I enjoyed their dancing very much as the stage is tiny but they coped with it very well and you can’t beat a good tap routine! Their act was very enjoyable and well put together and today I enjoyed listening to the lovely Luna Nightingale – so it’s been a busy weekend. Back to work tomorrow as I have shows all this week and on Thursday I’m meeting up with my web-designer with my new plans for my web-site.
Well must dash thanks for following and Toodle Pip for Now!
Fiona Harrison is a 1940s Singer and 1940s Entertainer. For more information about Fiona and how to book please visit her website www.fionaharrison.biz