I’m going to start by saying sorry to all of you who weren’t able to get my Back to Japan blog up on my Face Book fan page the other day. This was down to me pressing the wrong button. It came through to my personal page but quite why it went wrong I’m not quite sure but there you go – that’s what happens when you mix Fiona Harrison with tecnolagee! I guess I wont be taking over the world quite yet!
These next few weeks are going to be exstreamly busy as I’ve had a rush of last minute bookings for November. I have a 2 week solid run of shows from the 7th to the 19th which will be taking me from Norfolk to Bassingstoke so after Halloween I have a little lull and then it’s full steam ahead. Maybe fate has played a strange part in my Basingstoke booking as I’m booked to play at The Wheatsheaf Pub on the 11th. Back in 1900 the Wheatshaf Hotel as it was then was owned by my great Aunts Father Reuben Briggs so I shall be returning to my family’s roots which will be quite exsiting. I dare say much has changed as my mother was able to find an old post card of the Hotel in 1900 saying it offered Good Stabling and Motor Accommodation. I will be quite happy with just a car park! That’s the wonderful thing about being an entertainer you get to go everywhere and sometimes you don’t know what is waiting for you around the corner.
Don’t forget you can catch me on the 10th Nov at The Lion in Waddesdon and I shall also be doing a 1940s day at Leighton Middle School on the 14th for the children – Woburn Abbey Vintage Fair on the 15th and Aces High art gallery Wendover on the 17th and 18th. I also have quite a few private parties inbetween and in many cases I’m doubling some days so busy busy!
Today I’ve been getting all my contracts up to date and I can’t quite belive it myself but by the end of this year I would have compleated 240 shows – gosh! – lets hope it lasts. In showbiz you never know where the future is going to take you so fingers crossed!
We’ll thats about all my news for now. I will try and keep you all up to date through my blog, facebook and Twitter pages and don’t forget to try out my pintrest boards too. I shall try and post a few more photos for you tonight on pintrest and don’t forget you can click through from my web-site by clicking onto the P button on my follow Fiona tab. Thanks for following, Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!