Driveway Concert in Full Swing!

It’s been very much business as usual this week as I sang the first of my Spring time Driveway Concerts on Sunday and I’m looking forward to 2021 picking up steam as we ease out of lock-down. I confess it’s been hard work kick starting this year but bookings are starting to come in or be it slowly and once we come out of lock down I know there is going to be a great demand for live entertainment.

Sunday’s Driveway Show!

This week Karen was able to add a few more of my press cuttings to my new page “What the Papers Say” and “Stupid Cupid” is continuing to generate lots of hits on You Tube. I think when I last looked we were up to 1,390 views which is incredible considering the video only went up on the  5th February this year.

To see my latest press page click the link below where you can read a selection of my newspaper cuttings charting my career from the 1990s to the present day performing in lock-down.

At the moment I feel I’m biding my time somewhat and I can’t wait for the world to start moving again. There’s

A Vintage Brooch I Bought on Etsy to Match my Earrings

a natural progression and when I’m normally out and about I like to look in shop windows to see the change in fashion. For the moment that’s all gone now and when we do come out of this pandemic so many stores will have fallen by the wayside. I’m not a fan of buying on line. Tesco is about as good as it gets, which is a really depressing thought. Their clothes are awful and they are so poorly made. I enjoy the shopping experience especially when to comes to pottering around antique fairs, looking at vintage clothes and buying fabrics. However I have found solace with Etsy which is a sight that specializes in selling vintage goods and hand made items. It’s important to be able to share in beautiful things which really lifts morale.

Here’s to the future as I continue to move forward with my shows. Keep Following Toodle Pip and bye for now! 😉